Marriage,  Parenting

How to Find Quality Time with Your Family in the Summer

Summer is so glorious, isn’t it? Lazily reading books, drinking lemonade at the pool, enjoying outings to favorite local haunts…

But if you’re a mom, right now you might be thinking, “Yeah no!”

Summer with the kids may look more like reading one paragraph of a book before realizing someone just ate a whole bag of cookies without your knowledge, or spending half the day cleaning up spills, or avoiding the pool because for you it’s just lifeguard duty.

At the end of the summer, you look back and realize that all you did was clean up the kitchen one million times, drove 5,000 miles, and prayed for school to start. Did you even get to enjoy summer? Did you even get to enjoy your kids or husband?

Never fear. I have gone laser focus in my guest post for Amanda K Foust. I spelled out exactly how to get that quality time you dream about for yourself and your kiddos – without adding more to-dos to your day.

Read it here.

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