Minimalism,  Productivity

The Best Way to Organize Kids’ School Papers

My kids come home with a literal mountain of school papers every week.

I find there are two types of people: those who keep everything and those who keep nothing.

But you don’t start out thinking, I am just going to throw all of these kids’ school papers away.

Or, I love these all so much and one day want to bless my grown children with every single little thing their pencils ever touched!

Usually, you start out keeping their art work, report cards, special notes, drawings, writing prompts, and all of a sudden you have a mountain of things you’re “keeping”.

But how do you organize all of those papers and art from school?

Likely, you’ve looked at the mountain of papers you’ve held onto and had one of two thoughts:

  1. This is so overwhelming. I have no idea what to do with this. I’m just gonna have to chuck it.
  2. There is so much here to go through, and I have no time! I better just keep it all! Maybe one day…

I’m here to help you prevent the giant mountain from piling up, and then to organize the hill you collect instead.

To start, you want to get a head start by not keeping everything the kids bring home to begin with!

Probably about 80 percent of the things my kids bring home end up right here:

most of the school papers end up in the trash can

Every time the kids come home from school, I create two piles. Things to keep, and things to throw away.

Now, if “throw away” sounds too harsh, you can say “toss” or “not keep”. Whatever helps your mama heart.

I’ll show you how to choose which pile the paper goes in shortly.

By the end of the semester, I only have a small pile to organize, and my organization system is so simple, it takes no time at all. In less than 30 minutes, we go from this:

school papers are a mess and need organized

to this:

organize kids school papers into a keep pile and toss pile

Then this:

the best way to organize school papers

Decide What to Keep

Ready to see how to decide what to keep and what my magical system is? (Spoiler: it’s soooo not magical.) Watch the video:

Now that you watched, what do you think about the Progress and Personality filter? Will it help you sort your mountain?

Does the storage box seem like something you would try?

Do you have a better system? Please share!

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