kids in the pool
Independence,  Parenting,  Routines

Why Should Your Kids Have a Summer Routine?

In August, moms everywhere are saying, “How many days until school starts?”

(Raise your hand if you’re one of those moms. My hand goes up!)

By the end of summer, all of those sticky shirt stains that came from unstructured fun and rest have worn out the moms of the world, including me. I have learned over years of juggling work and vacations and kids that our summer is much more enjoyable when there is a simple summer routine.

The one thing we feel strapped for year-round is time. You are really good at caring for your kids, mama. But you’re not always good at caring for yourself or caring for your marriage.

And sometimes, we spend so much time caring for our kids (picking up toys, prepping meals, taxiing from place to place, working long hours, rocking babies) that we forget to also be with our kids.

Add the inherit chaos of summer to the mix, and all of our stress levels can hit the max.

I have used a summer routine for years, and it works to set healthy expectations for the whole family. Healthy expectations lessen anxiety.They get your rule-follower kiddo to help you lead the day, and they give your free spirit some structure.

But a routine is not a schedule, and it’s not meant to shackle the fun in your summer. In fact, my routines always allow plenty of time for free play, outside time, and messiness. These pockets of time can be long or short, but I usually allow a good amount of free play because it fosters independence and creativity.

Here’s the magic, though. I use my routine to ensure I get some time to myself and quality time with the kids and hubs – all without scheduling!

That’s why I created a free course showing you exactly how to create a summer routine that suits your unique family – a routine where you will look back at the end of summer and think, “Wow. We had so many great times together, and I didn’t lose myself in the process!”

Sign up for the free summer routine course right here.

Truth be told, our kids need to be in regular learning environments! Their brains are literally being built by learning. So it’s no wonder that we all start to lose our minds by the end of summer. (Side note: if brains are built by learning, are our minds literally being lost? Hmm…)

But while the kids are letting their brains hibernate in the sunshine, let’s capitalize on all of that time, without forgetting to take care of ourselves. Sign up now. You won’t regret it.

Photo credit.